Perfect for those who charge at least $3K for their offer

An exclusive community designed to connect HIGH ACHIEVERS (without ego) to help successfully navigate your SECOND ACT by gathering you in a new place you will call HOME.

Next in person Gathering:
April 22nd-24th 2024
Park City, UT

The truth is EVERYONE that's "hit it big" deserves deep connection with others who "GET IT" (especially in transition)

What can a 3 day gathering with a community like 'The Last Mastermind' do for me?

Invite Deep Relationships

Ever found yourself in a community you never fit in with? If Brooke has vetted you and you're seeing this page- you will fit right in. And walk away with besties for life. 

Align with your new calling

Transitions can be tricky and claiming new identities isn't always easy. Come shave off 10 years of dis-ease and stress and claim your new identity now. 

 Gathering with a tribe to see you through your 2nd Act

Connect with individuals all going through the same thing and help them step into their new transition as you step into yours
As Anthony said before joining the Last Mastermind Community:
  • "I want to be inspired by other high achievers, to celebrate our shared experiences, and to forge deep relationships that last beyond the event. To leverage the group's collective knowledge and learn from one another such that we open worm holes for each other to travel forward faster than we could have traveled on our own. To be exposed to big thinkers that will expand my mind and forever change my thinking."

A conversation that birthed The Last Mastermind Community.

Susan: “It takes a truly special network to help you do what is next, in the best, most meaningful way possible.

... Once you’ve hit a certain point of success you start reevaluating what truly matters.

...Most would say I’m thriving. I have financial stability. 
I’ve achieved part of what I wanted and that is gratifying. 
I’ve checked a significant box off my goal sheet.
I have more free time at my disposal.”

Me: “Understandably”




[A space where we are laser-focused and deeply committed to leveraging every second we spend together to grow the depth of our connection with ourselves, each other, our mission, our goals, our EXPANDED identities, and our calling.  THE HOME WHERE  your second ACT begins]


 Brooke Casanovas

With a master's degree in Organizational Leadership & Change, Brooke has found her sweet spot for helping high achievers in transition.

After attending, hosting, and speaking at over 100 Masterminds- she knows what environment is needed, what types of people should be invited, and what activities should be facilitated to experience TRANSFORMATIONAL GROWTH AND ANSWERS in just 3 days. 

Brooke has an innate gift for helping high achievers to leverage their natural zone of genius and facilitate true MASTERMINING for those gifts to be expressed and executed. 
 When I had the chance to work with Brooke, I jumped at it and I’m really glad I did. I was able to articulate the true value of the new work I am doing. Within a matter of weeks I was able to sell out a new cohort with such ease and confidence.” Dustin Riechmann Exited CEO of Firecreek Snacks
Attending Brooke’s Mastermind was one of the best professional investments I’ve made for myself. When I initially signed up to attend, I wasn’t necessarily going for the “business mentorship” but more from a networking aspect to surround myself with other like-minded people who were in the same boat as me. What I got out of the three day intensive mastermind was much more than I anticipated as I not only gained a network of other amazing people, but also a clearer vision of what I want with my business, life, and the impact I want to leave on others I come in contact with. Brooke has this way of getting the best and most out of people. In such a short amount of time she was able to help me extract what my unique talents are in how I’ve built a successful 8-figure business and how I could help others in their entrepreneurial endeavors as well. She helped me tap into and understand my value that will not only positively impact my business but other CEOs I have an opportunity to work with"

-Alysse Jackson

Meet Your Host
Brooke Casanovas

After attending, hosting, and speaking in over 100 different communities- she knows what environment is needed and who needs to be in that GO GIVER environment to make magic stick!

The Last Mastermind Community was created so that it would be the Last Place you would have to look for your new tribe, new community, and lifelong network that will  leverage the highest good in relationships and create a FUN, ELITE, SOCIAL CLUB, where you will feel right at home. And 10x who you are because of who you are surrounded by!

The emails I receive when members gather in this community:

Hey Brooke!

First, off, I really want to thank you for what you put on in Orlando. 

Truly life-changing. I cannot speak highly enough of this. 
I will certainly be promoting to anyone who fits the group.

You are amazing Brooke.

Dear Brooke,

I wanted to send you a note to say once more, thank you! for listening to and honoring your calling. 

The Last Mastermind is…


An out of body experience

An extended state of flow

We started as strangers and now I have gained life long friends and business partners. The quality of people is matched by their willingness to be vulnerable, authentic and invest in each other.

I left pieces of my old self behind, and because of the community and the container you create, I am able to courageously step into my new identity.

It is exactly what I need for the transition I am currently going through. 

Worked with multi-million dollar brands like
Featured on

Come gather and leave pieces of your old self behind...

Eliminate all hesitance and resistance in doubling your offer by adding more value inside of your current offer, erasing the belief that your current customers won’t buy it and curating confidence you can deliver on that price without disappointing your customers

What are the values of this community?

  • Ever Learning and Inquisitive
  • Self aware and High EQ
  • Givers that come without expectation of return
  • Members who look for the value in people 
  • ​Skilled and experienced 
 Remember PEOPLE create Rooms. Rooms do not CREATE people. 

What types of individuals join the Last Mastermind Community?

  • Current CEO'S, Exiting or Exited CEO's
  • Retired Athletes, Former Olympians
  • Past or current C Suite members
  • ​Wealth Managers/ Real Estate Developers
 Come be in a room that you can call HOME with others who crave more connection, more depth, more contribution. A room of ordinary individuals doing extraordinary things. 

What do we do differently?

  • Networking espeically designed by Brooke who see's 5 steps ahead of the relationship
  • We believe in staying together in mansions instead of separating in hotels. Environment is everything!
  • There will be no "speakers" because everyone in the room is an expert. 
 "Two or more people will always be actively engaged in the pursuit of a definite purpose" (Napoleon Hill)

Believe it or not there is a framework for what makes exceptional gatherings (online or in person)

  • Intentional Social Club conversations facilitated by Brooke 
  • Valuable skillsets and network that is noted and magnified
  • Constant celebration of ideas, innovation, new identities, and more!
 The frameworks I use produce deep, honest, and permanent connection with others. 



  • Small group hotseats
  • ​1:1 creative colloborations
  • ​Medium size group activities
  • Every person having carved out time to meet with every single member. 
 A group needs to have just enough people in it to create some real “oomph,” but not sooo many that everyone is forced to wear “Hello, My Name Is” tags… 

The Last Mastermind Community Has Benefits. 

For all you detail-oriented folks (we love you so much, you make the world go round!)

BI-Yearly Gatherings (Held in April and October each year)

These 3 days gatherings will help you in any major transition come out on top with a new identity and a new tribe to support you in that change. 

The next Upcoming gathering will be in  Park City, UT from April 22nd-24th, 2024.

Day One: we focus on REFLECTION and CONNECTION (who are you? Who are you wanting to becoming? What are you wanting to do with your time next? And WHO are all these amazing people in this room and how might we serve each other best?). We will drop OLD identities and embrace NEW identities.

Day Two: we focus on PROJECTION (getting really clear on who you want to become in your second act) and, of course, CONNECTION baby, pure and unbridled connection with the amazing human beings inside this curated container.

Day Three: It’s all about COLLABORATION & CONNECTION once more (getting clear on “who” is in the room (or in their extended network) can bring light, laughter, fun, potential business partnerships, and significant support for your NEXT ACT in life. 

Good food, deep conversation and great music will, of course, be present in full force. 


"The community is life changing in helping me get to the root of what I really want in life, business and relationships.  I HIGHLY recommend this Mastermind with her!"

Ashley Shepherd

CEO of Riverbridge and Sheps
"WE love touchy feely stuff BUT when she gets the right people in the room we go straight to the impact stuff. If you're not wanting to change... don't sign up!"

Susan Petersen

Former CEO of Freshly Picked
"When I had the chance to work with Brooke, I jumped at it and I’m really glad I did. I was able to articulate the true value of the NEW WORK I am doing.” Dustin Riechmann

Dustin Riechmann

CEO of Firecreek Snack and Podcast Host
"This community accelerated everything and created the most powerful network and relationships. I had a future, an objective and a path to get where I wanted to be."

Natalyn Lewis

CEO of Ascend EQ

Let's create, collaborate, and GET YOU WITH THE BEST HUMANS. 


April 22-24 2024
Park City, UT

Eliminate all hesitance and resistance in doubling your offer by adding more value inside of your current offer, erasing the belief that your current customers won’t buy it and curating confidence you can deliver on that price without disappointing your customers

Frequently Asked Questions

From Brooke 


If you’re..

1.  Ready to gain another 20 besties that will bring out the best in you

2.  Achieved a part of what you hoped you would and while that feels satisfying you are ready for help in your SECOND ACT 

3.  Checked off a significant box off your goal sheet and there is an open box with a different community you want to belong to for your next thing

4.  Feeling disoriented and wanting a community of high achievers to connect with and feel grounded again

5.  Want to count success different now

6.  Pay it forward and use your gifts in a meaningful way

...then I'm ready to facilitate an community for you that will leave you with a vision and new tribe that will change your life forever.

Welcome to the Last Mastermind, 

Brooke Casanovas

Eliminate all hesitance and resistance in doubling your offer by adding more value inside of your current offer, erasing the belief that your current customers won’t buy it and curating confidence you can deliver on that price without disappointing your customers
Closers Academy LLC © 2023

Closers Academy LLC is not associated with Facebook Inc. or LinkedIn Inc.

All Rights Reserved · SLC, UT

Made with ♥ by Design Hacking Studios LLC

"If you're not wanting to make money,
then don't sign up."

$40MM/year offer created in 1.5 hours

Alysse Jackson, client

Owner of multi-million dollar company Beehive Meals
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